Our employers are required to make contributions to a pool of funds set aside for our qualifying members’ future financial benefit.
If you earn more than the qualifying threshold of covered earnings in a year, currently $20,000 for SAG-covered work, that year counts as one pension credit, and all that year’s earnings multiplied by the member accrual rate of 2% are added to your annual pension upon vesting and taking it.
If you earn $100,000 in a year, you get one pension credit and it adds $2,000 per year to your potential pension income. Members’ max pension is currently capped at $96,000 per year, achieved with just under $5 million in earnings during qualifying years and 35 pension credits. Less years or less earnings = less pension benefits.
Vesting means you have earned a pension. To vest, you must earn 5 pension credits in a row, or ten over the course of your career. When vested, you can take your pension at 65 years old with no penalty or as early as 55 for up to a 30% penalty.
For all the specifics, visit the plan’s website: SAG-Producers Pension Plan.